Friday, September 13, 2013

mixing it up

I don't know if this has ever happened to you, but recently when I walked into one of my favorite quilt stores--A Notion to Quilt in Shelburne, MA--I was thinking of certain colors that I knew I needed. Then a fabric popped up and seemed to say, "Take me. Please."

I look at it. It really doesn't look like fabrics I usually buy but there was just something about it. So many possibilities. I have been into greys recently. OK--I had to try it.

And why not this one too. It was too fun.

Oh I do like to shop.

And some fabrics to co-ordinate. Enough though that the staff--who does know my quilts--mentioned that the stack did not look like me. How true. How exciting.

Luckily though this is the time I need potholders. I do have the Paradise City Arts Festival in Northampton in October. The holidays are coming and kitchens do deserve art. After all not everyone can afford a large quilt--and certainly not all the time. Plus making a potholder will let me experiment with the fabric. What can it do? What can I do with it? A win win. Not bad huh?

potholder--quilt--Ann Brauer

And a co-ordinate.

potholder--quilt--Ann Brauer

They do go together. And what about an eyeglass case or two. Another good way for me to experiment.

eyeglass case--quilt--Ann Brauer
Can you find one of the fabrics? And another colorway as my confidence rises.Yes, it took forever to choose the colors for this one and I did worry if the chartreuse would be too much but as I told myself, these are eyeglass cases and I needed to try it. It works though, doesn't it?

eyeglass case--quilt--Ann Brauer

Oh this is too much fun. I could spend hours playing with these fabrics. Though after a while I confess that making smaller items gets to be a bit much and it just may be time to start a larger quilt. Hmm--could this be the inspiration? How many of the new fabrics can I use?

And you--do you ever buy fabrics just to play with them? Which ones are your favorites? How do you learn what the fabrics can do?

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